Read more about the article Recreational Diving Weekend with Atlantic Scuba and Moonshadow
Atlantic Scuba and Moonshadow

Recreational Diving Weekend with Atlantic Scuba and Moonshadow

Having seen lots of social media photos and videos of critters and squidgy stuff from Atlantic Scuba, our plan was to visit Falmouth in 2021. However, with Covid travel and social distancing restrictions in place, those weekends were aborted. So it was with great expectation that we welcomed a weekend of diving in Falmouth this past weekend.Travel arrangements mandated that…

Read more about the article Swashbuckling Swanage Weekender
Club Divers

Swashbuckling Swanage Weekender

The Plan For The Weekend........ We planned this trip many months ago, the aim was for three days of diving with Swanage Boat Charters. At the time of booking we were restricted to six divers per boat and had chartered both Mary Jo and Viper. As the time drew nearer we were able to have 12 divers on Viper. With…