The final tally was ten divers from the club that ventured to a drizzly Vobster on Friday afternoon. Although most arrived for the 2.00pm gate opening, others arrived a little later, which meant a relaxed, informal and perhaps promiscuous buddy pairing system as buddies swapped from dive to dive. Quite nice really as a lot of divers were meeting for the first time.

Although there was plenty of time for three dives, all wanted two and hence the daylight dives were staggered between the earlier and later arrivals.

It was a long afternoon surface interval for some and with now clearer skies on the first quarter moon, the air temperature dropped quite quickly with the coldness of the concrete floor conducting into divers’ feet.

What became apparent was that the 8.00pm closing time was ‘out of the water’ and not ‘off-site’. Even though we could have dived a little later or indeed longer, it was pretty much dark at 6.15pm.

Plunge time was 6.30pm as four groups/pairs sank into the water to the watchful eye of some of the swimmers as from the surface, the flickering torch illuminations can be quite mesmerising.

Run times for all were between 30 to 40 minutes. Some ventured to the APC and Jacquine while others the tunnel, crushing works and aeroplanes.

Numerous reported sightings of the crayfish were made together with emotions of serenity throughout the dive as one’s eyes are focused on the illuminated area of torches. Even though you may traverse the same path on any daylight dive, a torch-lit night dive uncovers scenes that you would have not discovered before. The white and green soft coral sponges on the crushing works and aeroplane seem more abundant as do the water hog louse in the tunnel.

Two leaky drysuits and one lost but found torch were the only casualties of the day. The lost torch returned to Rick Bastin as he celebrated his 600th logged dive this evening. Congratulations Rick!

All divers enjoyed the evening and although Vobster moves to winter hours from this weekend, we’ll keep an eye out for any winter night dive that may be advertised.